HIM 20.20 Project "Border to Border Across the Golden Triangle of Thailand"-Acts 20.20 HIM Leader activities:
Dear Fran,
This is an update on HIM 20.20 Project last weekend in Ban Khoone Sathang, Nanoi District, Nan Province.
I preached and taught Sunday School and we shared testimonies to several animist in the village. A few people were interested in the Gospel of Jeus Christ.
We proclaimed the Gospel to a group of 15 farmers in the rice field, joining them in the harvest. They were happy and excited, asking many questions about the True Living God.
I have answered their questions about all the crops throughout the Bible, that God created all crops and seasons, such as, a time to grow and time to harvest. I told them this included mankind.
They asked us to come back and share more about the True Living God and Jesus Christ. They had heard about God but nobody had ever explained God to them.
Thanks to God for using us to reach Hmong animist by joining the rice harvest. During this season Hmong are busy harvesting rice.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant-HIM 20.20 Project "Border to Border Across the Golden Triangle of Thailand"-Act 20.20
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