Tuesday, January 27, 2009

HIM Leader Report Phucheefa Area and Huai Khu

This is a report from HIM Leader On Mission to Phucheefa shaman, Huai Kook cell church, and Huai Khu Baptist Church. Scroll down to pictures:

This is a report regarding our trip to Phucheefa last weekend. God led me directly to two female shaman. We shared the Gospel and discussed Yesus with them several hours. Finally, God touched one of the shaman's heart and encountered her life. She admitted that her ancestors had mislead her family clan. She has been practicing for a long period of time. She said the evil spirit doesn't do any good, causing her sickness, bad dreams, bad luck, family problems
and felt that she was being held in bondage of the evil spirit: hopelessness. She felt happy and safe through Yesus (Christ) today. She wishes she had known Yesus before.

The other female shaman also admitted she was wrong. She needs Yesus, but her husband won't let her. I pray that God will encounter her heart and bring her and family into saving faith in Yesus Christ in the near future.

These two female shaman have been ruling the village for a long period of time.

We distributed blankets for church members in Ban Huai Khu Baptist Church and the house cell church in Ban Huai Kook at Phucheefa, Chiang Rai. God is working is among Hmong animistic people,

See the attached photos: shaman and family, people with new blankets in Huai Khu and Huai Kook, and primitive village of Huai Kook. It is very difficult to drive to this village. The other side of this village is Laos.

In Christ,

HIM Leader, Frontline Slave

Huai Khu Baptist Church members with new blankets

Huai Kook cell church members with new blankets

Shaman and Family

Shaman and Child

Ban Huai Kook, primitive village on Laos border

Monday, January 19, 2009

HIM Leader Report-Shaman in Nam Sok, Nan Province

HIM Leader Reports from Nan Province:

This is a report to you regarding a shaman and his family in Ban Nam Sok, Nan, Province. I had a chance to discuss with him aninmistic beliefs, the True Living God of the universe, and life after death: Heaven and Hell.

It caught his attention very much. He said, if it was true, then he will change his mind. What he has been practicing seems worthless and cost him much money for sacrificial aninmals to redeem the lost soul. He thinks his ancestors have mislead his clan members. Please pray for Mr. Wa Chao Saethao and his family members that God will bring them to know Him in the near future. I will go back to follow up this shaman again.

The photo shows his two spirit houses.

In Christ,

HIM Leader, Frontline Servant/Slave

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Victory on Lao/Thai Border

Report From HIM Leader: Victory on the Border

This to keep you updated on Hmong ministry on the border. This Sunday, we met a group of people from Laos on the Thai border led by a shaman and its clan members. They had walked for 4 hours.

I proclaimed the Gospel, shared my testimony to the group, and presented salvation to them. The shaman said he was tired of worshiping the spirits ( ancestors). He wants to rip up his spirit house right away. He wants me to go to his house and remove/destroy the spirit house, so he can be free from the evil spirits. Soon as I had answered all his questions, he admitted he has mislead his clan members. He and his wife, daughter and 2 members confessed their sins to the Lord and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ to be their personal Saviour.

Many others are still interested in the Gospel as well. I pray that they will become Christians in the near future. Please pray for us, new family members, and those prospects in Ban Phua La, Laos ( a new village)

In Christ,

HIM Leader, Frontline Servant/Slave

HIM Leader 2008 Annual Report

HIM Leader Report for 2008

This is to report to you regarding Hmong Ministry of Northern Thailand during year of 2008:

1. We brought 81 Hmong into saving faith in Jesus Christ and baptized 26 members

2. We expanded ministry to Hmong from Lao on Thai border in 4 areas; two areas in Phucheefa of Chiang Rai, and two areas in Nan Province. We have proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shared testimonies to many Hmong from Laos on Thai border.

God touched many people's hearts, especially 81 people made profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Many others are interested in the Gospel. I pray that God will bring them to Him in the near future

3. We conducted Coffee Ministries to reach the unreached animistic religious leaders and village leaders of Northern Thailand. They all had a chance to hear and know the True Living God of the Universe. We break through Hmong animistic society of Northern Thailand. Many people admitted their ancestors had mislead them for a long period of time

4. We conducted Church revivals throughout Nan, Phayao, Chiang Rai, Lampang, and Maehongson Provinces. Many church members rededicated their lives to the Lord. We preached Spiritual growth, taught faith, and obedience in Youth Camps, and lady/brotherhood camps

5. Bible studies, taught Hmong literacy and English classes in 3 dorms

6. Bible studies, praise, prayer and lead fellowship services in 5 church groups

7. Coordinated closely with Northern Thai Baptist Convention and other church leaders throughtout Northern Thailand

8. Conducted Church Christmas and Hmong New Year programs for 11 villages and 3 areas on Thai border

Summary: Hmong Ministry is still progressive. Hmong International Ministries has proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shared testimonies to many animistic people. God touched many Hmong hearts and saved many souls through Hmong International Ministries.

We have made church programs availble to assist Hmong church groups throughout Northern Thailand. Just because of your support many people have the chance hear the Gospel and be saved.

In Christ,

HIM Leader, Frontline Servant/Slave

HIM Home Missionary Report by Xeng Lor

Below is the December 2008 Report and Annual 2008 Report of Hmong Home Missionary Xeng Lor

December 2008 Report

1. Preached and lead fellowship services

2. Taught Sunday School Class for adult and children

3. Performed Church Christmas Program and Hmong New Year ceremony for members

4. Proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ to 42 people in 3 villages

5. Visitation of members and prayer for the sick

Annual Report For year 2008

Xeng proclaimed the Gospel and shared his testimony with many animistic people who were interested in the Good News. God touched 13 lives and they became Christian.

He has been a pastor and friend to the people of Haui Khu.

HIM Leader will be working with and mentoring Xeng during 2009

HIM Leader December 2008 Report

Report from HIM Leader - December 2008

This is to report to you regarding Hmong ministry in Northern Thai during December-08.

We conducted special projects for Christmas and Hmong New Year programs for church groups, animistic religious leaders, and village leaders in 11 villages and 3 Hmong groups from Laos on Thai border. During these special projects, I preached the true meaning of the birth of Jesus Christ and His purpose, obedience and faith.

Believers felt Jesus in their hearts. He encountered their lives and several believers rededicated their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. They felt secure, hope and peace with God.

I proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ to animistic religious leaders and villge leaders. They were interested in the Gospel and will share with their clan members. I will be going back to tell them more.

The "rice field of souls" is ripe, but only a few workers for the harvest. During the special occasion of Christmas and Hmong New Year celebration, we have tried our best to reach people for Christ as detailed below:

1. We have brought 14 people in 4 families into saving faith in Jesus

2. Bible studies, praise and prayed in 5 church groups

3. Bible studies, taught Hmong literacy and Englsih classes in 2 dorms

4. Conducted special projects for Christmas and Hmong New Year to 11 villages and 3 groups of Hmong from Laos on Thai border

5. Coordinated closely with Hmong Church leaders of Northern Thailand

Conclusion: God's work is still progressing through HIM as we reached 4 families of 14 for Christ. Many others are interested in the Gospel. Many Church Programs are available to church groups. Without your support, many Christian groups will be isolated. Thank you for your support.

In Christ,

HIM Leader, Frontline Servant

Friday, January 2, 2009

HIM Leader on Lao Border and New Year Celebration at Grace House Dorm in Pua

Report from HIM Leader:See pictures below. First picture is Grace House Dorm and second picture is border families

Fran, this is to report to you regarding border ministry on Dec 31-08. We met 8 Hmong from Laos and shared the Gospel and testimony with them. A family of 4 made professions of faith in Jesus Christ and the others will becoming Christian in the near future. Please pray Mr. and Mrs. Cha Wa Vang and 2 children, our new Christian family.

We also participated in New Year celebration with Grace House Dorm( Aj. Saman's dorm). The kids were happy and counted down to 2009.

In Christ,

HIM Leader, Frontline Servant

Hmong Student Baptized at Athitaan Church, Chiang Rai

Report from Michael Johnson, NTIM:

Baan Athitaan Church in the celebration of “Chris’ Baptism” On December 21, 2008- See picture below.

As most of you know, our ministry is located in the heart of the 10-40 window where over 100 unreached people groups are within driving distance of our strategically located and rapidly growing church. God is at work sending people from these UPGs to our doorsteps.

Like most of the hundreds of folks we have seen come to Jesus over the past 7 years in Chiang Rai, Chris is the 1st person in his family to give his heart to Jesus. He is a university student at Rachabhat and comes from a Hmong village (Huai Khu) some 3 hours from here. Chris has been coming to church for almost a year and 2 months ago gave his heart to Jesus and wanted to be baptized before Christmas.

Please pray for Chris, his parents, and the rest of his Hmong Village where Xeng Lor and his wife Xai serve, that they will come to know Jesus in the days to come.

Your prayers and your gifts to NTIM are truly making an eternal impact for the kingdom of our great Savior where less than 1 in 99 persons know Jesus as Savior.

Your Servants to the Nations in and around Northern Thailand,

Michael for all