This is a report of "On the Border Ministry" on this Sunday. See photos below.
It is raining, muddy and wet. Most everybody tried hard to show up for Bible studies, praise and prayers. Mrs. Hermee Saethao, 60 years old (widow), has tried very hard to come for study Bible. She had decided to become a Christian 2 weeks ago. She said she couldn't wait till she saw us this morning. She told me that she was tried and sick of worshipping the ancestors (evil spirits). She was being held in bondage of evil spirit for a long period of time. She said her son and daughter in-law and 2 small children couldn't come due to the non-stop rain.
Several believer stated that several Hmong animists would like to change their god. They want to become Christians. Since year last several animistic believers know that this group of believers are set free from their ancestors (evil spirit). These animistic believers want the Lord Jesus Christ, but they are worried about local persecution. The leader in the village has threatened that if anyone becomes a Christian, the leader will force them to move out and/or persecute them. God is working among these Hmong animistic believers. Since several people became Christians last year, three villages around the border are shaking.
See the attached photos. First photo is a new believer, second photo is the border market trading on street, and third photo is a shaman.
The shaman practiced for more than 30 years and also he is the Saethao clan shaman leader. He is no longer practicing for his clan group. He told me this morning that since he became a Christian last year, many people want to become Christians because no one serves them. They feel like they are at a dead end. in their lives. Thank God for the blessing of this shaman and the other members.
We don't have a place for Bible studies. Everybody just stands in the forest. We relocate to other places each time to have Bible studies to avoid persecution from other families from their villages.
Once, again thanks for your support of prayers.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant

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