Annual Report
Hmong International Ministries, Inc. (HIM)“Border to Border Across the Golden Triangle of Thailand”
Pua, Nan Province, Thailand
Annual report from HIM Leader, Hmong International Ministries, Inc. in Northern Thailand during October 2008 through September 2009:1.Shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Hmong animist across the Golden Triangle of Thailand. A total of sixty-three people received Jesus Christ as their Savior; nineteen were from Laos on the Thai border
2.Baptized fifty-three members
3.Performed weddings and funerals
4.Held Church Revivals, Church Camps, Youth Camps, Bible Studies, and Discipleship Training for church groups across Northern Thailand: total of thirty church groups (five churches and four cell groups in Nan Province; eleven churches and three cell groups in Chiang Rai Province; three churches and two cell groups in Mae Hong Son Province; one church in Phrae Province; one church in Phisanulok Province
5.Provided Hmong Literacy Classes for new believers and community at large and dorms across Northern Thailand
6.Held ESL classes for high school students in three dorms, Pua District, Nan Province
7.Provided Bible teaching messages on audio cassette tape for believers from Laos across Thai border
8.Coordinated ministries closely with The Church of Christ in Thailand, The Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand, Thailand Baptist Association, CMA, and religious/community leaders in villages
9.Coordinated efforts with Lao Evangelical Church in Vientiane, Laos
10.Held “Coffee Club” (introduction to the Gospel) meetings in many Hmong Villages with village leaders and shaman